Join the Night Angels

Do you love talking about books and spreading the word about new authors?

If you’re excited about my books, and you’re interested in getting involved to help spread the word about them, I hope you’ll consider joining my Street Team, the Night AngelsNightAngelBlogLogo-2

What’s a Street Team?

It’s like a grass roots publicity campaign. Bands use street teams to get the word out about concerts and new music releases. Street team members tell friends about concerts, post posters, etc.

So while I won’t be having any Book Concerts, I’ll be having at least 3 new releases in 2016, and if you are excited about them and want to spread the word, I’d love your help!

How can you help?

•Blog about the new books and series
•Once the book is released, Write a review
•Recommend the books to your friends on Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
•Recruit subscribers to my newsletter

You don’t have to do all those things, they’re just ideas. As long as you have fun, it’s all good!

What’s in it for you?

Besides my eternal love and devotion?

Well, you’ll be receiving some exclusive book goodies only available to my dedicated Street Team. (In other words, this part is always evolving, but we’ve had street team lunches at conventions, street team only Christmas cards, etc.)

There will be Street Team only contests and a insider information just for you!

You can learn more about our team here:

Thanks again for all your help! You rock!