Hey there – 

So I know I’m late with this post, but I was knee deep in 2nd round edits for The Captain’s Curse at the new year! But they’re turned in now and OMG I can’t wait for you to read this one! I’m so proud of this big finish for the immortal pirate crew! (If you just want to see what’s coming in 2023, scroll down)

Anyway, 2022 turned out to be a very unexpected year. My word for the year was JOY, and even in the darkest moments I tried to find the light. In January, I thought I had my year all planned out, Pirate’s Paradox released in January to kick off my year, and in February Sedona Salvation, the final book of the Sedona Pack, released. Everything was going according to plan! I even got to go home to San Diego to visit Panda in February!

In March, I turned in Perfect to my editor and in April my tax return paid for my book research trip to Salem Massachusetts! The year was still going strong and right on schedule! LOL

Then April happened! We found out we needed to move and fast. The owner of our rental wanted to sell the house while the market was good, and we needed to find a place, find the money for deposits, and then pay to move…. Yikes!

But I kept my spirits up and we found a place! Yay! Got moved and I only turned in Wolf’s Witch 10 days late. Shew!

In May I launched my first thriller under L.A. Kessler! PERFECT has been really well received and I was flying high, ready to writer Book 2…

But in June all my priorities changed. I got a tearful call from my stepmom that she’d taken my Dad to urgent care that morning and by 5pm he was in ICU and it looked dire. My Dad has always been healthy so it was a shock, but we assumed he’d heal up. But it turned out to be Sepsis and his organs started shutting down. The week of Father’s Day he called me and I’d never heard my Dad sound so weak. I felt like he was telling me goodbye. I was on a plane a couple days later with a one-way ticket and no idea I’d be in San Diego for a little over three weeks helping my stepmom and sitting in the ICU with Dad every day.

The good news is, after 18 days in ICU he got to go home! And by the end of August, he went to visit his marching band. Now he’s back to directing both the high school and middle school bands. He’s pretty amazing!

But that all made Captain’s Curse months late! And it bumped the rest of my planned publishing year back. I have no regrets though. I’m so grateful I could be there to help them.

Something else happened that summer too… I started a new business! You all know I love tarot and I’ve been a professional tarot card reader for over a decade, but I decided to take it a step further and start coaching my clients long term! I opened Metaphysical Manifesting and WOW my clients made MAGIC in 2022! I’m so inspired and grateful to help them manifest their dreams into reality. If you’ve got some big goals you want to make real in 2023, you can schedule a chat time with me here: https://calendly.com/lisakessler/metaphysical-manifesting

About that time I also met Holly Carton, and amazing artist and we talked about my Practical Tarot Deck that I’ve dreamed about making. I’m NOT an artist so the dream seemed out of reach, but Holly changed all that! So now I have a Kickstarter going to make Practical Tarot a reality! You can check it out here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lisakessler/practical-tarot-deck-and-book/

By September I was working on Wolf’s Woman, book 2 in the Salem Pack, but I had an idea for a Salem Pack holiday novella and I started writing Wolf’s Winter instead. I’m about 2,000 words away from finishing Wolf’s Winter, so I’m hoping to start editing the ending this weekend.

Patreon will get Wolf’s Winter first, but then it will be in the Supernatural Seasons Greetings that I’ll release wide and it will include every Christmas story I’ve written so far! It’s going to be a festive collection in eBook and paperback! Yay! (Out in January instead of December because 2022 was a year! LOL)

I’m hoping to finish Wolf’s Woman in time to have it out in March, but it may end up in April and the Vol 2 of the After the Happily Ever After stories from Patreon last year will come in March… I’ll keep you posted!

Hopefully the Kickstarter for Practical Tarot will be fully funded next month and then I’ll have to finish that book too! It will ship to backers in October 2023 and I’ll release it wide in November (Just in time for Christmas gifts!) but that all depends on the Kickstarter so I didn’t put it on the 2023 graphic.

New Paranormal Subscription boxes on Patreon will go out at the end of this month and I’m planning on the signed paperback being: Supernatural Seasons Greetings and the Night Novellas….

Little tease for the April 2023 boxes… I’ve teamed up with an AMAZING author/artist and we brainstormed up a SUPER cool original art print for next quarter’s boxes… The night Calisto and Kate from Night Walker met during Dia de los Muertos at the Mission de Alcala!!! Ahhhhh!!!! 

It’s going to be amazing!

Anyway, this month’s box will be paranormal holiday themed and they’ll go out the end of this month (Or first week of February, it’ll depend on how quickly Amazon gets me the paperbacks.)

I think that’s all the updates for now! Shew!

Happy New Year!!!

Thanks for all your support everyone! You’re the BEST!

