
Night Thief is visiting Bitten By Books!!!

Hi everyone –  I’m super excited to be visiting the Bitten By Books review site today!!!  I was interviewed and reveal 3 secrets as well as some insider info about the Night Series!!!  You can also enter to win an Amazon giftcard and other goodies!!! Hope to see you there!!! Thanks for all your support!!! Lisa 🙂

Across the Veil is #Free – Get it while it’s HOT!

Hi everyone – I’m not sure how long Amazon will keep the sale price, but for now, Across the Veil is FREE!!! BLURB: Princess Talia from Summerland has been hiding across the veil in the human world for the past five years. Starring in a hit television show as human actress, Natalie Thurmont, her charmed new life is shattered when the past comes knocking on her door. “Across the Veil” won Romance in the Backseat book review’s Paranormal Fight Club short story contest.  Short Fiction (6,000 words) Amazon: Barnes… Read More

Guess what? I’ve got a new release! Night Thief enters the world…

Hi everyone – Night Thief is finally here!!! YAY!!! Isn’t the cover gorgeous??? And here is the blurb: After the fall of the Mayan civilization, Kane, an immortal Night Walker, has taken refuge in France for over 800 years. The modern world holds little interest for him until the night he meets the Golden Thief and is robbed of much more than his pocket watch. Marguerite Rousseau is living a double life. By day she is the assistant to an eccentric French artist, Antoine Berjon, and by night she dons… Read More

The Next Big Thing, the FBI and the Ninja Release Party!

Hi everyone – Last week I got a call that made me swallow my tongue! LOL I answered my cell phone and heard someone ask for me and utter… “I’m with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.” YEEK!!! Of course for a few seconds all I could think of is… “Why are they calling me? What did I do?” And then I remembered a few weeks ago I had told a friend who was applying for a new job that required security clearance that she could use me for a reference!… Read More

Night Series – #SixSentenceSunday

Hi Everyone – We’re busy getting ready for Night Thief’s launch, so I thought I’d give you a little sneak peek of what’s to come… Night Thief is a prequel to Night Walker. You’ll get to meet Kane, one of the original four Night Walker brothers. Kane meets the love of his eternal life the night she robs him. She steals his gold pocket watch and starts them on a crash course with destiny and a path that could destroy them both. So in remembrance of the watch that brings… Read More

Scenes from Night Walker brought to you by a reader…

Hi everyone –   I think I’ve mentioned it before, but it’s worth saying again…  Readers Rock!!!   I met Carey at Comic-Con this summer waiting in line after the Paranormal Panel.  After the convention, we connected on Facebook and Carey read Night Walker. I was super excited that she enjoyed the book and joined my Street Team!  Woot!   But the awesome didn’t stop there…  Carey thought it would be fun to tour through the San Diego sights mentioned in the book and posted pictures for me!!!  How cool… Read More

Surreal Writer’s Life aka If I can do this, you can too!

Hi everyone – This month has been crazy for me. It started off with some really sad personal life woes that broke my heart, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? *insert Kelly Clarkson song here* So anyway, after dusting myself off, some really cool things happened this week that made me step back and reflect a little. This past week, my writing classes opened for registration from San Diego Writer’s Ink. I’ve been teaching my short story craft classes online, but this will be an opportunity… Read More

What a year it’s been… Happy Birthday Night Walker!

Hi Everyone – I couldn’t let today go by without wishing my debut novel, Night Walker, a Happy 1st Birthday! And what a year it’s been! I was honored to see Night Walker selected as a launch title for my publisher, and on August 2nd 2011, we started on an epic journey with Entangled Publishing. Night Walker went from a Print on Demand paperback to a mass-market trade paper re-launch in May of 2012 with copies in Barnes & Noble stores nationwide! And distribution didn’t stop there… Night Walker was… Read More

RWA National and Big News

Hi Everyone – It has been a BUSY summer!!! So sorry for letting my blog collect dust! LOL Yikes! Last week I was busy at Comic-Con and this week was the RWA National Convention. (Romance Writer’s of America) I’m home and exhausted, but I have some pictures and some HUGE news!!! If you’ve been visiting my blog for a while, you probably know I’m the Poster Child for Impatience, so I’m not going to make you wait for the awesome news…. Ready? I got this super cute notebook yesterday… So… Read More

Humbled by an Awesome Day

Hi everyone – I can’t believe it’s already June… It’s been an incredible month around my house so far. My youngest, Reno, is about to graduate high school. I still can’t believe it! I’m so happy for him, in between senior banquets awards, etc. He’s an honor graduate and an all-around amazing young person! And I cry at the drop of a hat these days. Yikes! How did the time go by so quickly? Interspersed among the Mommy emotions, I’ve had a few thrilling moments too, and I didn’t want… Read More