Hi everyone – As you can see, I did survive the trip to New York! YAY! Thanks so much for all your good thoughts and emails… You rock!!! So the brief run down from RWA National is that not only did I not get lost, I had a great time and met some amazing writers!!! Me and the Fabulous Angie Fox at the Literacy Signing And I got to meet one of my Twitter buddies and Author of Goodnight Tweetheart, Teresa Medeiros!!! I also got to see a Broadway show!… Read More
On my way to the Big Apple
Hi everyone – Tomorrow morning I leave for New York to attend the RWA National Conference! I’m excited and nervous all at the same time… New York is a big scary place for a country kid like me! I finished up the final edits for Night Walker today just in time for the trip. I can’t wait to share the book with you! If you haven’t done it yet, please consider adding Night Walker to your to-read shelf on Goodreads… http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11557788-night-walker I should have a link… Read More
Night Walker Book Trailer – And Vampire Ball Winners!
Hi everyone – Thank you SO much for helping to make the Vampire Ball a huge success and just a blast in general!!! It was fun talking hot vampires with all of you… 🙂 And speaking of hot vampires, the book trailer for Night Walker is up! I hope you’ll take a look… Hope you enjoy the trailer!!! I can’t wait to share this book with you… But in the meantime, I have prizes to give away!!! Since the response to the Vampire Ball was overwhelming, Calisto insisted I double our… Read More
Welcome to the Vampire Ball
Hi everyone! I’m really excited to welcome you to the virtual Vampire Ball… Come inside and join me in the sheer madness of the PARTY ‘TIL YOUR HEELS FLY OFF: MEGA AUTHOR BLOG HOP TOUR (JUNE 13-20) TOUR RULES: 1) HAVE FUN!!! 2) INVITE ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS!!! SPREAD THE WORD!!! 3) THIS TOUR STARTS: Monday, June 13, at Midnight (Arizona Time) THIS TOUR ENDS: Monday, June 20, at Midnight (Arizona Time) Winners will be drawn and posted June 21st! *** 4) MEET AND MINGLE WITH ALL THE AUTHORS! EXPERIENCE… Read More
Night Walker Back Cover Blurb – YAY!
Hi everyone – It’s June already! *boggle* Time is flying! Night Walker will be out in 2 months! I can’t believe it’s finally happening! YAY!!! And now I can share the back cover blurb too! *drum roll* He gave up his soul for a second chance to love her… Two and a half centuries ago, Calisto Terana lost everything when a zealous priest murdered the woman he loved. Now, desperate for another chance to love her, he wants redemption for the mistake that cost her life. She’s haunted by… Read More
Lisa’s Lair wins a Versatile Blogger Award
Hi everyone – Remember the days when I posted a blog every single Sunday night? Rain or shine I had a new short story up to share… Those were the days! Writing new stories every week and trying to include crazy writing prompt things like a Persian Caftan, moonshine, and a giant sized Hawaiian pizza. Remember the Komodo dragon week? Good times… *sigh* Now that I’ve been busy with editing Night Walker and Night Demon and doing interviews and guest blogs for Across the Veil, my own blog has gotten… Read More
Happy Friday the 13th – Night Walker Cover Unveiling
Hi everyone – Happy Friday the 13th!!! I’m excited to unveil the cover of Night Walker on my Guest Blog for Entangled Publishing!!! http://bit.ly/inBQOV I’ve also started posting some pictures from scenes in the book… Enjoy! 🙂 http://lisakessler.wordpress.com/night-walker-progress/night-walker-book-one-of-the-night-series/ Very exciting times… I’m finishing up edits for Night Walker now… I can’t wait to share this book with you!!! Lisa 🙂
Exciting Times – Night Walker news & Freedom!
Hi everyone! Sorry I missed blogging last week… I did get my edits turned in for Night Walker and I’m anxiously awaiting my second round edits. This past week my publisher hosted two webinars to help educate their authors on marketing and branding our new books. I’m really excited about the future. To have a publisher that cares enough about each book they’re about to release that they pay to educate their authors, is a blessing! Instead of worrying and feeling like I’m tap dancing on ice, I feel… Read More
Falling in Love Again
An old man in love is like a flower in winter. Chinese proverb Hi everyone – This week I started digging in on editing “Night Walker” based on my editor’s feedback. This has been a huge shift in gears for me because while I’ve been shopping Night Walker around to publishers, I was busy writing the Moon series about my werewolf pack. I had started writing Blood Moon, the third book in the werewolf series, and was just starting to really fall in love with my hero, Gareth, when I… Read More
Romantic Times Conference -Wrap up
Hi Everyone – I just got home from my first RT conference. I learned SO much and had a blast meeting many writers that I only knew online. I also got to meet Liz from my new publisher, Entangled Publishing, so that was fun too! I’ve been to plenty of writer’s conferences in the past, but this was the first one I’ve ever attended that also invited readers. I really enjoyed the mix of people. Readers, librarians, booksellers and writers were all there. It was interesting in some of the… Read More