Hi Everyone – How can Christmas be two days away already??? *boggle* I just got my Christmas cards sent, and I haven’t even started wrapping gifts, but I don’t feel too stressed. Yet! LOL This has been an extra crazy Christmas season for me, with less money and even less time. But no complaining from me. This year I got to sing in two Christmas concerts with my teenage son, Reno. This was his first time singing the Hallelujah Chorus, and not only did we get to sing it together… Read More
A Miraculous Burden — New Short Fiction
BREAKING NEWS UPDATE – My novel, Moonlight, made it through to the 3rd round of the Writing with the Stars contest!!! Please vote to help us to the next round… http://is.gd/iG3vN Hi everyone – Another week has flown by and suddenly Christmas is right around the corner. This is the time of year that family traditions come alive! Even though my kids are now 19 and 16, we still fill up their advent Santa pockets with goodies, building the anticipation to Christmas Day. We also got our Christmas tree… Read More
Great News and The Demon’s Christmas — Short fiction!
Hi everyone – Sorry my regular Sunday night blog has gotten a little off schedule! Sometimes I really wish we could the way we were, but change is inevitable, right? LOL Anyway, between moving blog homes, lots of extra Christmas singing gigs, and getting everything ready for the holidays, I’ve also been crazy busy with contest deadlines and submissions for my books. Last week I got the exciting news that Hunter’s Moon, the second book in my Moon Series, won the Paranormal category in the Gateway to the Best… Read More
Happy Thanksgiving & Connections — New Short Fiction!!!
Hello everyone – Wow! I can’t believe it’s Thanksgiving this week! *boggle* Where did this year go???Yesterday was our last San Diego RWA meeting, my last one as the Publicity chair and I’m relieved to say it went really well… Shew! So next on my list is to write the synopsis for Hunter’s Moon so I can get it submitted for RWA’s Golden Heart contest by Dec. 2nd. Yikes! This is also the last week to cast your votes for Moonlight in the Writing with the Stars contest! 🙂 I… Read More
Moonlight — New Excerpt!!!
Hi everyone – Well the Halloween decorations have come down. The costumes are put away (mostly) and I’m left feeling like I don’t have a thing to wear! LOL I’m already looking forward to donning my Evil Queen costume again next year. Panda and I have a list of improvements so it’ll be even better, or at least more comfortable! Someone asked me why I enjoy Disney villains so much. I groped about for an answer, but Russell Crowe really nailed it… I like villains because there’s something so attractive… Read More
Moon Shadow — New Short Fiction!!!
Hi Everyone – I hope you had a great 4th of July! Hopefully I’ll have some pictures to share soon from our little celebration. Thank you to all the military families out there who give of themselves tirelessly for their country. I admire your sacrifice and your commitment! Thank you!!! I have a very busy 2 weeks coming up. I’m leaving on Tuesday to head to Vancouver Canada for a trade show for work, and the next week I go to Washington DC to the RWA National writers conference to… Read More
Flash Fiction — The Gunslinger’s Gold
Hi everyone! I had a crazy busy weekend, and then went to the Del mar Fair and got quite a lobster burn! Youch! Anyway, with the passing of Michael Jackson I watched lots of tributes and we watched our DVD of his music videos, and I wasn’t really feeling the Comedy Tonight topic, so I ended up thinking… Flash Fiction… Murder in 250 words or less!!! You’re not really surprised are you? Anyway, adding in the topic of a bread basket, and a music icon, I did a bunch of research and… Read More
A Ghost’s Requiem — New Short Fiction!!!
Hi Everyone – I had a busy week, but everything got eclipsed this weekend. Ken’s cousin passed away after a very long battle with cancer, and while I didn’t ever get the chance to meet her in person, he’s shared many stories with me about her. She sounded like an amazing lady, and I wish I could have met her. It’s tough to see the man I care about most in the whole world hurting. My nature is always to try to find solutions to problems or situations. Years of… Read More
Unemployed Muses Anonymous — New Short Fiction!
Hi Everyone! I had a great writing week! I’m just over 37,000 words on Moonlight (149 pages) Only about 3,000 more words to the halfway point! YAY! Once I hit halfway, I need to focus back on the revisions for Night Walker so I can be ready for the writer’s conference in DC next month… Whee! Thanks again to all of you for your support every week! I broke 12,000 profile views and 24,000 blog views last week!!! *boggle* THANK YOU!!!! 🙂 This week’s story came about while trying to… Read More
The Golden Thief — New Short Fiction
Hi everyone! I hope you had a great week! Thanks for all your comments about the sneak peek into Moonlight! I got a few thousand more words written last week and I should be halfway by next weekend!!! YAY!!!! 🙂 For this week’s story, I saw the Eiffel Tower in the bonus points, and though I would write a French tale, which grew into starting a story about how two of my Night Walkers met. Sadly they met about 80 years before the eiffel tower was built, so I couldn’t include… Read More