Hi everyone!
I’m so excited! Today the Practical Tarot Method book and Practical Tarot deck are out in the world!
You can grab your copy at any of the links below…
Reading tarot shouldn’t have to be a guessing game or a test on memorization. Practical Tarot: Learning to Read Tarot Cards Intuitively is designed to demystify the process of interpreting tarot, making it more approachable and fun to learn.
Tarot cards are a powerful tool to help you tap into Spirit and guide you on your divine path—that is, if you know how to read them. That’s where this book comes in. Written in a user-friendly way, Practical Tarot will empower you, deepen your self-confidence, and help you develop more trust in your own intuition so you may better connect and understand the cards.
Presented in a relatable way with practice exercises, this book offers different ways to use tarot cards in everyday life, such as for meditation and journaling, reading spreads to answer questions, and as inspiration for creative pursuits. It also includes the author’s stunning and diverse tarot deck, also called Practical Tarot, which was created to reflect and celebrate the diversity of people in the world—there is even a 32-page insert in the back of the book that showcases the full-color cards.
From choosing your tarot deck to insights into the natural cycles in the tarot system to the traditional interpretations of tarot cards, both novices and seasoned tarot practioners are sure to love this book and how it helps them hone their natural intuitive gifts.
Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Tarot-Learn-Cards-Intuitively/dp/1582709416/
Barnes & Noble – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-practical-tarot-method-lisa-kessler/1145931731
Books-A-Million – https://www.booksamillion.com/p/9781582709413
Bookshop – https://bookshop.org/p/books/practical-tarot-learn-to-read-tarot-cards-intuitively-lisa-kessler/21525800?ean=9781582709413
Beyond Words – https://beyondword.com/products/the-practical-tarot-method-learn-to-read-tarot-cards-intuitively
And here are the links to grab your Practical Tarot deck too! 🙂
Designed to reflect and celebrate the diversity of people in the world as well as offer an easy-to-approach method of reading and interpreting tarot, Practical Tarot is a one-of-a-kind deck for everyone.
It’s time to explore the world of tarot like never before with this vibrant and inclusive 78-card deck and 192-page guidebook. Practical Tarot reflects the rich world around us and celebrates a wide array of races, ages, orientations, and disabilities. Whether you’re a novice or seasoned tarot card reader, everyone can learn something from Practical Tarot, which will ignite your creativity and confidence and help you foster a greater relationship with your intuition.
Tarot isn’t just for special occasions or to divine the mysteries of the Universe—it’s a trusted companion for daily guidance and personal growth. It also doesn’t have to be a frustrating game of memorization—Practical Tarot was created to help teach readers about the traditional tarot system as well as how to read tarot without a guidebook. With concise card descriptions and lively, easy-to-understand art, Practical Tarot helps you connect with your inner wisdom and navigate life’s twists and turns with confidence, complete with journaling and meditation prompts for every card.
Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Tarot-78-Card-Deck-Guidebook/dp/1582709408/
Barnes & Noble – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/practical-tarot-lisa-kessler/1145682226
Books-A-Million – https://www.booksamillion.com/p/9781582709406
Bookshop – https://bookshop.org/p/books/practical-tarot-a-78-card-deck-guidebook-lisa-kessler/21525797?ean=9781582709406
Beyond Words – https://beyondword.com/products/practical-tarot-a-78-card-deck-guidebook
Thank you SO MUCH for all your support for this project!!! The Kickstarter decks and books are still shipping, about 25% left to go so if you haven’t received yours yet, you will have it very soon!
Most of all, I hope you enjoy your decks and keep trusting your intuition!
Lisa 🙂